"Anyone who says money can't buy happiness
I just didn't know where to shop."
Bo Derek
Quote of the day, huh? (laughs)
It's too cool, though
Ablaze? Do? See? (laughs)
Low gauge mohair snood
size: FREE
vintage satin
halftone pleated dress
size: 0/1
wears: 1
I wonder if I'll use it for customer service. (Hoyo?) )
Today, I'm wearing a new work by 08sircus,
I was able to take emo photos. (Laughs)
I'm also a mode dresser
Elegant looks, too
I want to have fun.
It's the same with meals.
It's all Japanese food
You'll get bored, right?
It's a cliché, but
It's the same with that~
Because I don't get bored when there are various things
One outfit is in the mood
It's a long time to go up.
I'm called a so-called mode
Rick also wears it,
Margiela wears it, Marni wears it,
I love PLAN C,
08sircus is a little different.
There's a difference between meat and vegetables!
But after I fell in love with it
I've been buying it for years.
It's such an attractive brand.
Ahaaha ^^
I think it's a shop where you can be happy!
Everyone, too,
You'll be happy! Ahaaha
This is an emo photo (laughs)
See you then!
(Staff: Kyasarin)